Started in 1984, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Tulare County speaks up for the innocent children in foster care who are victims of abuse, neglect, and/or abandonment advocating for their safety and well-being by training community volunteers to represent the best interest of the child and to be their voice in court. A CASA volunteer is empowered by the courts to help make this goal a reality.
We welcome people from all walks of life who care about children and children’s futures. A CASA volunteer receives 40 hours of in-house and courtroom training and is supported by qualified staff coordinators to help each CASA volunteer become successful.

CASA volunteers spend time, usually during weekly visits, getting to know the children they are assigned to. CASA volunteers also get to know about the children’s case by contacting other people in the children’s lives; resource parents, teachers, relatives, social workers, medical professionals, attorneys, and others. CASA volunteers use the information they gather to create a report that is submitted to judges, social workers, and attorneys regarding the children’s needs and placement that will be best for them in the long term.
We currently have over 100 dedicated CASA volunteers and have been able to serve over 700 children in resource care each year. Unfortunately, there are nearly 200 children on our waiting list. Please contact CASA of Tulare County 625-4007 for more information on becoming a CASA volunteer and how you can make a difference in the life of a child in resource care.

Many community organizations donate toys, books, blankets and other items for the children in resource care. Individuals and businesses also donate financially to help support CASA.

"I took (CASA kiddo) to meet Santa for her very first time. It was absolutely priceless! ♥️ I thought I’d share to get you into the Christmas spirit!"
Imagine, this little one will forever remember meeting Santa for the first time, which was made possible by her CASA volunteer.
-Advocate, Lori Stiefes
Lori has a true bond with her CASA child. I was just informed by one of the CASA case coordinators that when Lori was in court two weeks ago and the CASA child saw her, she said, “My Lori!” and ran into Lori’s arms.
This is why we need more CASA volunteers.
For more information on how to become a CASA volunteer visit their website or contact:
CASA of Tulare County
1146 North Chinowth Street Visalia, CA 93291
Phone (559) 625-4007 Fax (559) 625-3165