Toddlers and kids are really good at getting themselves into trouble. Half of the 2 million calls to the Poison Help Number in 2011 involved children ages 5 and under. In fact, 9 out of 10 poisonings occur at home.

Poisons can be found anywhere – in the house, in the yard, in the playground, or on the sidewalk. All it takes is one unsafe item to cause the worst of catastrophes.
If something bad does happen, are you prepared?
Would you know what to do?
Here are some helpful tips:
Keep medicines and cleaning products in original packaging and out of children's sight and reach.
Single-load laundry packets can cause serious harm, keep them locked up and out of site. Packets often resemble candy or juice, and are the perfect size for a young child to grab and put in their mouth.
Read product labels to find out what can be hazardous to kids. Dangerous household items include makeup, personal care products, plants, pesticides, lead, art supplies, alcohol and carbon monoxide.
Use child safety locks on cabinets where you have stored poisonous items. It only takes a couple of minutes, and it gives you one less thing to worry about.
Save the Poison Control Center phone number in your cell phone 1-800-222-1222 and post on your refrigerator for the babysitter. Call the center if you think your child has been poisoned and is awake and alert. Call 911 if you have a poison emergency and your child has collapsed or is not breathing.

Keeping a close eye on kids is the very best way to protect them from injuries.
For more information you can visit the American Association of Poison Control Centers.